Writer, traveler, maker


Travel updates and occasional commentary

Survey: COVID-19 and daily life

For most of us, COVIDlife is the new norm, whether we like it or not. But how has that changed daily life for things like housing, eating meals, non-sexual touch and emotional health? To find out — and augment my reporting on singleness around the world — I’ve launched a new survey.

To provide better context, I built this survey so everyone can take it — singles and marrieds, and people of all faith traditions. You can help in two ways.

  1. Take the survey.

  2. Share it with others in your network. A strong response will provide more meaningful results, and give me more leverage to report on the results. Feel free to use this sample social media post:

    How has the #covid19 pandemic affected daily life for you? Take this survey to help Anna Broadway report on its effect on meals, housing, non-sexual touch and more. https://forms.gle/3TNkesmU4Fv2tWYf9

anna broadway