Writer, traveler, maker


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Kampala part 1: London to Africa, by way of a gallery

I started my trip a week ago, with a stopover in London -- my first in summer. After half a dozen visits there bundled in wool or down jackets, I couldn't get over the shirt-sleeves weather. I'd hoped to have more time there, but after a delay out of San Francisco, and more than an hour in the immigration line, I didn't meet my friend at the Royal Academy until 5:15.

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Tokyo day 5: Weekend jazz, conversation, laughter

I first noticed the shift from Tokyo's work week to weekend last night when we were returning from the game night. After almost exclusively silent trains rides in which our group was one of the only parties talking, I noticed small knots of people conversing -- some on the train, others in stations. Though many still wore their work-week "uniform" (white shirts and dark suits for men, conservatively feminine skirts and dresses for women), you could sense a new air of relaxation.

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